XMR020 Permanent Extremity MRI Scanner




XMR020 Permanent Extremity MRI Scanner 


1. This scanner is is used to diagnose soft tissue and bone injuries or problems of the arms or legs, including: Ankle fractures or sprains, Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, Arm or leg mass, Bursitis, Diabetic (Charcot) foot, Foot and toe injuries, Fractures of the arm or leg, Hand, finger or wrist injuries, Meniscus tears, Sesamoiditis, Tendon and ligament injuries, Traumatic injuries of the arm or leg.

2. Comprehensive scanning sequence and advanced imaging techniques.

3. Quieter and more comfortable than a full-body MRI scanner.

4.Compact size, light weight, easy for installation.

5. Specialized in the diagnosis of limb joints.

No. Item Specification
1 Magnet System
1.1 Magnet Type Permanent magnet with automatic constant temperature system
1.2 Field strength 0.22T
1.3 Magnet shape H shape
1.4 Homogeneity (16cm,DSV,VRMS) ≤4.5ppm
1.5 Shim method Active/Passive/Dynamic
1.6 Magnet gap 19cm
1.7 Bore depth 56cm
1.8 5 Gauss fringe field 1m*1m*1m
2 Gradient System
2.1 Gradient field strength (Single Axis) 18mT/m
2.2 Gradient slew rate (Single Axis) 54mT/m/ms
2.3 Rise time 0.3ms
2.4 Gradient cooling Air
3 RF System
3.1 Spectrometer Fully digital
3.2 RF system type Digital
3.3 Number of RF channel 2
3.4 Transmitter amplifier peak power 5kW
3.5 RF blanking Yes
3.6 Dynamic range ≥80dB
3.7 Noise factor <0.3dB
3.8 Coil type Phase array
3.9 Knee coil (L) Available
3.1 Knee coil (S) Available
3.11 Ankle coil Available
3.12 Wrist coil Available
  Remark:The coil configuration is subject to the final contract
4 Patient communication
4.1 Max.patient weight 135Kg
4.2 High accurate position assist Yes
4.3 Localizer Yes
4.4 Position accurate ≤1mm
4.5 Table movement Up-down
4.6 Emergence stop Yes
4.7 Communication system Yes
5 Computer system
5.1 Host computer Dual core
5.2 System software BASDA
5.4 CPU clock rate ≥2.8GHz
5.5 Main memory ≥2GB
5.6 Color LCD monitor 24”
5.7 Keyboard and mouse Standard
5.8 Hard disk ≥250GB
5.9 Media driver CRW/DVD
5.1 DICOM 3.0 Yes
5.11 Ethemet Yes
6 Scanning parameter
6.1 Max.FOV 250mm
6.2 Min.FOV 90mm
6.3 Min.2D Thickness 2mm
6.4 Min.3D thickness 0.2mm
6.5 Max.Image matrix 256*256
7 Scanning sequence &imaging technology
7.1 Spin echo Yes
7.2 Multi-slice multi-echo Yes
7.3 Gradient echo Yes
7.4 Turbo gradient echo technology Yes
7.5 Fast spin echo Yes
7.6 Fast double echo Yes
7.7 Fast recover spin echo Yes
7.8 Variable flip angle technology Yes
7.9 Variable ETL technology Yes
7.1 Inversion recovery Yes
7.11 Inversion recovery fast spin echo Yes
7.12 Short time inversion recovery Yes
7.13 Fluid attenuated inversion recovery Yes
7.14 Magnetization transfer technology Yes
7.15 3D position Yes
7.16 Automatic coil tuning Yes
7.17 Online image filtration Yes
7.18 Online post procession Yes
7.19 Optimal algorithm of active shimming Yes
7.2 Scan sequence queuing Yes
7.21 Multi-layer and multi-angle scanning technology Yes
7.22 Optimize bandwidth acquisition technology Yes
7.23 Flow compensation Yes
7.24 Parallel acquisition technology Yes
7.25 Scan parameter preset Yes
7.26 Oversampling technology Yes
7.27 Image fusion technology Yes
7.28 Artifact suppression technology (K_Rotat) Yes
7.29 Thin imaging technology Yes
7.3 Post processing package Yes
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