XFR300X1 300DR1 500X1 500DR1 Automatic X-Ray


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Automatic X-ray Machine provides a cost-effective and user-friendly environment


XFR300X1 XFR300DR1 XFR500X1 XFR500DR1Automatic X-Ray


1. Automatic X-ray Machine provides a cost-effective and user-friendly environment with intuitive controls and graphical program selection,and it is a floor-mounted digital X-ray machine featuring modular X-ray components such as an X-ray tube,a Bucky wall stand,a Bucky table,an X-ray generator,and a wireless detector.
2. This X-ray machine is fully automatic design,features an automatic sensitive touchscreen, enables it to be positioned by 1 meter,1.5 meters,and 1.8 meters of infrared detection with one key switching to achieve the most precise position of patients’ detecting parts,helps high-quality imaging,equipped with automatic rotating x-ray tube,flexible switch up to +1-90°, rapidly set the position as doctors’ requirements,perfectly combine to use with a flat floating tabletop,assists less experienced technicians take low-dose images accurately.
3. 32KW Combined High Frequency X-ray Source
* Automatically rotating anode X-ray tube for the purpose of the most accurate diagnostic X-ray procedures
* For the maximum power (0.1 S), small focus is up to 20 KW, the large focus is up to 40KW
* Specially processed Rhenium-tungsten faced molybdenum target of 70mm diameter is for 32KW
* These tubes have foci 1.2mm and 0.6mm and use with 32KW generator,available for a maximum tube voltage of 125(100)kV
* Accommodated with IEC 60526 type high-voltage cable receptacles.
4. 50KW Combined High Frequency X-ray Source
* Automatically rotating anode X-ray tube for the purpose of the most accurate diagnostic X-ray procedures
* For the maximum power (0.1 S), small focus is up to 20 KW, the large focus is up to 40KW
* Specially processed Rhenium-tungsten faced molybdenum target of 80mm diameter is for 50KW
* These tubes have foci 1.2mm and 0.6mm and use with 50KW generator,available for a maximum tube voltage of 150kV
* Accommodated with IEC 60526 type high-voltage cable receptacles.

Below 32KW X-ray Tube Parameter  
Working voltage 40KV-125KV
Maximum power (0.1 S) Small focus 20 kw,Large focus 40 kW
Nominal value Large focus 2.0,Small focus 1.0
Maximum heating filament characteristics 5.3A
Anode speed (50HZ) 2800rpm
Anode angle 12°
Inherent filtering 1.0mmAL/75kV
Anode Heat Content 110KJ(150KHU)
Tube component heat capacity 900KJ(1300KHU)
Over 50KW X-ray Tube Parameter  
Working voltage 40KV-125KV
Maximum power (0.1 S) Small focus 20 kw,Large focus 50 kW
Nominal value Large focus 1.2,Small focus 0.6
Maximum heating filament characteristics 5.4A
Anode speed (50HZ) 2800rpm
Anode angle 12°
Anode Heat Content 212KJ(300KHU)
Tube component heat capacity 900KJ(1300KHU)
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